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"2017 Lingnan Minimally Invasive Interventional Medicine Summit Forum · Great Wall Microwave Satellite Conference"

Publish date:2018-04-26 Views:

    On May 13, 2017, it was organized by Guangdong Medical Association and hosted by Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences and Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital. "2017 Lingnan Minimally Invasive Interventional Medicine Summit Forum" co-organized by Cancer Prevention Center of Sun Yat-sen University, the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Nanfang Hospital Affiliated to Southern Medical University, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University and Journal of Practical Medicine was held in Shangri-La Hotel, Guangzhou. More than 200 experts and scholars from all over the country gathered together to discuss cutting-edge topics in the field of minimally invasive intervention.

      During the period, the "2017 Lingnan Minimally Invasive Interventional Medicine Summit Forum · Great Wall Microwave Satellite Conference" hosted by our company achieved a complete success! The meeting was presided over by the famous interventional therapy experts Xiao Xiangsheng and Li Yanhao, and the famous interventional therapy experts Huang Jinhua and Chen Xiaoming made wonderful academic reports on tumor microwave ablation.

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